Furmeet, Danzing, Poland, -- 13 February 2010
BAKUS - 01 Jan 2010, 22:04
Noone's willing to start, so maybe i should do it? Some time ago i spoke with Konu. I asked him if he would like to come along with other Furs to us, to Gdansk, for a 'FursuiWalk'. Konu thinks this is a good idea. So, at the moment our 'FursuitWalk' is planned for 13 February 2010. More info about is, how and when, will be given in a while.
Konu - 01 Jan 2010, 23:16
Oh good, the thread I wanted
The interests from germany are great.
German guests are:
Sekaab - Camera
Konu - Fursuiter
Ray - Fursuiter
Teshval - Fursuiter
Ryaku - watcher
(toranor - Fursuiter)
Silberpfote - watcher
Luskfoxx - Fursuiter
Readan - watcher
(ThufirHawat - watcher)
Ok, we need informations about the hotel and I will work on the reservation and the payment.
Wilczyca - 02 Jan 2010, 12:34
Konu - You want to say, that there will be ten of us? And 5 fusuits in it?
Konu - 02 Jan 2010, 13:45
Yes, 10 guests from germany, but toranor and ThufirHawat are not safe. toranor when his fursuit projekt are finished and Thufir, he don´t know... The next problem is the ridesharing, all guests came from a other part of germany. I think oure startpoint will be fryday in Berlin.
Wilczyca - 02 Jan 2010, 15:31
Do You think You can make it to Gdansk still on friday, cause we have things planned for saturday
Louq - 02 Jan 2010, 20:57
Konu you say there will be 10 furries from Germany.. pretty much But please tell me is this possible that more would come with you? I hope so About the meeting place, I wrote with Raksha - he fond not so expensive and nice place to sleep
Dom Harcerza. The 12 persons room will be great for us and if more furries will come we should order another smaller one. And how about arriving to us on Friday, staying for Saturday, Sunday and coming back on Monday (12-15 of February). Would that be great!
Konu - 04 Jan 2010, 20:16
Oure guests have a question because the polish police. In germany do you have a great problem, when you going with your fursuithead or a motorcycle helmet in a bank (Hands up and give me the money!!! ~.~ ). But I think oure questions means the puplic area. The next is the secret of the fursuiters, but I think, in Gdansk we have the same problem who all over the world "Food, drinks and smonking cigarettes"
And I think the departe for the german guests is sunday noon... (I have hollydays, but the others not...)
Alex - 05 Jan 2010, 14:35
In germany do you have a great problem, when you going with your fursuithead or a motorcycle helmet in a bank (Hands up and give me the money!!! ~.~ ). There is no problem with this, utleast you dont step into bank or place like this ;p
And there was a few furwalks in few city in poland (not so big like this what you planing, but fursuiter is fursuiter ) and there wasnt any problem.
So there nothing to affraid
BAKUS - 05 Jan 2010, 19:28
When it comes to Police, there won't be a problem. When it comes to people, they are friendly to fursuiters, most look at them as sort of funny and entertaining thing, smiling a lot. Of course, this doesn't count to most old twats Also, i kinda cant find sense with Your "Food, drinks and smonking cigarettes" phrase. Can You say it in other words?
sekaab - 08 Jan 2010, 06:12
I can only guess ... but sounds like he want's to know if there's a problem, smoking in public and drinking Alcohol in Public. Another point could be ... we, here in Germany, have special Spots where smoking is allowed. Ist forbidden in Public Buildings and Bar's. It's some kind of NoSmoker'sProtectionLaw ...
BAKUS - 08 Jan 2010, 16:17
Drinking on the street prohibited
Smoking: railway stations, at bus stops ... . banned
and of course culture. for Non-smokers do not smoke.
sekaab - 08 Jan 2010, 17:17
I am glad to be a non-smoker ... cause i dont need to care about it ^^. But thanks for the Info. If i get asked i can answer now.
Alex - 08 Jan 2010, 18:22
Is ther be any problem to take a dog to a meet, im asking about a hotel...
Louq - 07 Feb 2010, 14:11
On the first of February I've paid the advance for the hotel with Bakus and Wilczyca. Because less furries have had paid than declared, we have booked two rooms, for twelve and six guests. Photographs of the aforementioned rooms are here (excuse the
quality, they've been made with mobile phone):

12 people have paid the advance and 4 other furries are almost 100% sure that they'll come. It about 16-15 people attend the meet, the payment shouldn't be bigger than 70 PLN. Of course, if more people attend then the payment will be smaller (for 18 furries the payment for two nights would be about 55 PLN). So, if there is anyone undecided, then please, come here :p
It will be possible to buy food here, but there is no kitchen avalible. I recommend to bring your own cooking utensils, for example, electric kettles.
Hotel night is from 11:00 to 10:00, so if you can arrive in the morning, you can book your rooms after 11 am. Unluckily, we have to check out till 10:00 sunday, but I think it will be possible to 'get' another hour or two. Furries having their own cars can leave them at Targ Wêglowy. It's free from friday (at 17:00) through the weekend.
Furries who have paid their own advance:
From Germany
-Blue Lion
From Poland
-Hind Wolf
Furries that are willing to attend the meet
-Booster Dragon
And furries who have their own sleeping place:
-Kocur Kotka
-Marvin Fuchss
BAKUS - 07 Feb 2010, 18:51
Furries who have paid their own advance:
From Germany
-Blue Lion
From Poland
-Hind Wolf
Furries that are willing to attend the meet
-Booster Dragon <<< ( it will not ) ? ?
-Musubi <<< ( new )
And furries who have their own sleeping place:
-Kocur Kotka
-Marvin Fuchss
BAKUS - 08 Feb 2010, 19:05
So, here's the furwalk proposition:
1) Gdansk, old city. Here you have link to our latest movie showing locations that we might visit during walk in the old city: >>>
http://www.werewolftheory.fora.pl/video ... 9,450.html2) Sopot, molo (longest quay in Europe). Also, you can see this lovely place in our movie from last year: >>>
BAKUS - 09 Feb 2010, 14:59
Proposed as a plan for Saturday
Saturday 13 February.
11.00 -13.00 - FursuitWalk.
13.30 - 15.00 - Lunch and rest.
15.30 - 17.30 - Sightseeing tour.
18.00 - 00.00 - DDR, and doing what you want.
We are open to your suggestions.
Konu - 09 Feb 2010, 19:26
Oh yeah, Sightsingtour in Gdansk, I m happy to see other citys
Louq - 10 Feb 2010, 10:20
I want every furries to tell me when you plan to be in Gdansk, what is your transport (car/train/else) and with whow you will come?
It's necessary for us to plan our meet
sekaab - 11 Feb 2010, 10:45
We will travel as follows
11.02.10 Depart. 22:00 in Schwarzheide _ Breakup to Göttingen and Sleep
11.02.10 Arrival 01:30 in Göttingen _____ take baggage, Passaenger #1 Readan
12.02.10 Depart. 10:00 in Göttingen ____ Breakup to Leipzig
12.02.10 Arrival 12:30 in Leipzig _______ take baggage, Passaenger #2+3 Konu, Luskfoxx
12.02.10 Depart. 13:00 in Leipzig ______ Breakup to Berlin
12.02.10 Arrival 15:00 in Berlin ________ take baggage, Passaenger #4 Blue Lion
12.02.10 Depart. 15:30 in Berlin _______ Breakup to Danzig
12.02.10 Arrival 22:30 in Danzig _______ Arrival at our Hotel
If Travel Plan is changing or we see that we arrive earlier or later ... we will contact you (got the Phone Number from Louq).
Train Traveller will be Noweti. Will call him today to get the Travel time for his Voyage.
BAKUS - 11 Feb 2010, 15:34
All you will about 22:30 in Danzing?
sekaab - 11 Feb 2010, 17:56
This is the Travel Plan of Noweti, that offered to travel by Train.
Departure Freitag Berlin Hbf: Berlin Hbf (tief); Fr, 12.02.10; ab 14:34 Gleis 6
Arrival Freitag Danzig Hbf: Gdansk Glowny; Fr, 12.02.10; an 22:28 with TLK 85104
Departure Sonntag Danzig Hbf: Gdansk Glowny; So, 14.02.10; ab 14:05 with TLK18105
AArrival Sonntag Berlin Hbf: Berlin Hbf; So, 14.02.10; an 22:06 Gleis 14
Thufir will arrive around 6pm to 7pm.
Sorry but we really try to hurry ... but we cant get to you any earlier ...
Thufir - 11 Feb 2010, 18:09
Hejka! As you probably already know, I will travel with Kud³aty and Lwiak. I think you already know our arrival: around 18:00 is planned.
But I just want to be sure, that we (or least some of us) will pick up Noweti in Gdañsk G³owny. (Arrival infos above)
Cheerio, Thufir Rosomak.
Edit: Sorry, double information. I would also go alone to the Trainstation to pick Noweti up. But I would prefer to have someone with me. I know Gdañsk a bit, but I would feel better with company. :]
BAKUS - 11 Feb 2010, 18:32
Ok. thanks for the information
Konu - 12 Feb 2010, 10:45
All coordinates are safe in the Navi. I waiting for Luskfoxx and Sekaab in the moment and then we are ready to drive to Berlin and Gdanzsk
Thufir - 14 Feb 2010, 20:38
Hi everyone,
I reached home at 20:50 in one piece. I am really happy that I joined the Furmeet. The only problem is, that I wished we would have more time for the meeting, but it was wonderful and I would like to join planned furmeets in the future.
A big thank you to everyone who joined the furmeet, and a special thanks to the organisation of the furmeet.
Wilczyca - 14 Feb 2010, 20:52
Next time we'll try to do so would be more days. For days it was really too little. We are glad that you liked to. We hope that next time we will visit also the familiar furry and convince it to join. ^^
Please insertion pictures furrmeet here. ^^
Louq - 14 Feb 2010, 21:49
I'm glad Thufir you like it ^^ . I'm also happy you get back home in one piece We also have great time with all of you. This was the best fursuitwalk I've ever been See you next time.
Konu - 15 Feb 2010, 20:21
Yeah, this Furmeet was awsome. I like it and wish for doing again
BAKUS - 15 Feb 2010, 20:59
That was cool.
Very thanks that you're here and that you liked.
Next time be more days.
sekaab - 15 Feb 2010, 22:11
That was really an awesome Meet. Thank you all for that great Time. Gdansk is so beautiful, at night, as well as at day. Hope to get another Sightseeing Tour in future.
Fursuitwalk was well organized and the Suiters really did a good Job.
Your Choice of the Hotel was also just grea. I enjoyed my Stay in it ans slept as good as in my own Bed. And the Sparetime Plannig rounded everyting. DDR!!! YEA
Thanks so much that you were so flexible to get along with our Travel Problems. I really want to meet you all again ... and the next time we bring more Time with us.